Photography   Case Study 1
Compliance testing Compliance testing
Analysis Analysis
Ultrasonic testing Ultrasonic testing
Emergency lighting power pack testing Emergency lighting power pack testing
Vibration testing Vibration testing
Sales and marketing Sales and marketing
Auditing Auditing

Case Study 1



Photography for website

Our solution

FbyD developed the idea of using overhead angle photography shot on green screen with the assistance of Steve Palmer and his studio facilities in Rochester, Kent.

Each photo would later be coupled with some bold co-ordinating graphic symbols which allowed us to illustrate a broad range of service scenarios, and replicate these typical on-site scenarios using the relevant test equipment and associated safety equipment.

We continued the technique through the contact, news and testimonial sections of the site which visually tied the entire website neatly together and in turn delivered a powerful marketing and reference tool.



FbyD requirements

Website, Photography and Branding